How to Check English Spelling/Writing in Microsoft Word 2013

Hello everyone ! 

My name is Aldy Moehamad Reynaldi, I'm student Information System from Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut. I would to share the tips of how to check spelling/writing in Microsoft word  correctly & effectively. Before we start the tips, let's prepare the resource and material!

Resource/Material :

Materials : PC Desktop or Laptop

Resources : Microsoft Word 2013 or higher version


1. First, open Microsoft word by clicking on the Microsoft word icon.

2. Second, before we start to check spelling and writing, make sure you have some English text on Microsoft word document or you can open another document that has English sentence/text on it.


3. Third, on menu bar, click ‘File’ tab on top left.

4. Fourth, Click ‘option’

5. Fifth, Click ‘proof’ option 

6. Sixth, at ‘when correcting spelling and writing in Word’, mark all checkbox and at writing style, select 'Grammar only' then click ‘recheck’ then click ‘ok’

7. Seventh, if there are some words spelling/writing are wrong, there will appear underline on the word.

8. Eighth, right click at the underlined word, and then the Microsoft will show you the correct spelling/writing of the word


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